
Saturday, January 5, 2013


Well, it is the start of a New Primary Year and time to get going on the first program song of the year. If you are like me, or rather how I was before I got "booted" out of my singing job, {sniffle—sniffle} I liked to just have some singing fun the first week and spend time getting to know the new, little  SUNBEAMS by singing all their favorite and familiar songs they've sung in nursery and let them be the stars of Singing Time by letting them be your helpers. Besides, it always seems to be chaotic the first week as the children and teachers try and figure out where they are supposed to be, so some fun, no pressure singing is just the ticket the first week. 

However, if you are ready to jump right in and get going on this month's song, here is a flip chart for "I Am a Child of God" for all four verses.  I have also included the descant part in case you want to venture a stab at it.  Since your Primary is probably very familiar with the chorus, I only added it once in the flip chart. If you want to have the chorus after each verse, just select those pages and print how many copies you want. 

I don't have time right now to post ideas on how to present the song, but you probably already have thought of or found some to do. If I have time later, I will post some ideas that I brainstormed when I was making my plans last fall before my demise as Primary Music Leader. ;-)

I told you I would be back!
In fact, stay tuned because sometime in the near future
I plan on doing another give-away!

I Am a Child of God FC—Nalani


  1. THANK YOU for posting this!! I've been online for an hour looking for a good flip chart for this song. Happy New Year!!

  2. You just saved me hours!! Thank you SO MUCH!!

  3. Thank you so much! As a newly called chorister, this has saved me lots of work.

  4. I have always loved your flipcharts....and I think it's great you put your name on the front on the flipchart with the blog website, but i didn't love for it to be on every page. It feels like an advertisement.

    1. I appreciate your concern and I'm so sorry that it feels like an advertisement to you. Please believe me that was not the intention. I'm not selling anything, I'm offering these things freely, so I'm not sure who I would be advertising to. I don't quite think the children that would be seeing the flip charts would be interested in checking out my website, but I don't think they would be able to see the tiny print anyway from where they sit. And because I'm not selling anything, I don't need to increase readership for sales; although, knowing I have followers/readers out there does make it worth all the time, money and effort I put into doing this blog. It would not be worth it without readers like you who enjoy and benefit from it.

      The reason it is there is to be like a copyright notice. This is actually quite a common thing to do on the internet to help protect one's work. I know if someone wants to really sell something as their own, they can find a work-around for it, but this little notice does help to deter people somewhat from selling your stuff since they would have to go through some effort to remove it. Unfortunately, it happens. It is also there to help down the road if one needs to replace a lost page or something, they know where they can go to replace it. I hope that helps to explain the reasoning behind it and the effort I'm trying to make to keep things where I can continue to offer these visuals aids to everyone at no cost, even though there is a cost to me.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and ideas!!!!! PLEASE keep posting your ideas! They are so inspired, creative, and easy to follow!

  6. I think it's great you put your blog on your flip chart. You put a lot of work into that and you didn't have to share it with any of us. Especially since you don't even have the calling anymore. I am so happy you are still posting. I was a wreck when I read you were being released. You have the best blog out there. I bet your primary is sad to see you go. Thank you for all you do. I am certainly going to be using this next week. I appreciate all your hard work.

    1. Thank you so much for your support. The purpose of sharing is to help lighten each other's work load because as all Primary Music Leaders know, this calling can be a lot of work, so I am glad to share my talents and help where I can.

  7. This is so awesome!!!! I am going to print this up for our third week in Jan. I think I am going to mix them up and make the kids place the pictures in the correct places

  8. Is it possible to get the pictures without the text? I love your choice of pictures, but I prefer not to have my primary kids reading the words because I feel they use it as a crutch.

  9. Is there a way to download the file and print it in landscape?
