
Friday, December 28, 2012


If you haven't already started planning for the 2013 year, it is probably time to get-a-going on it. Below is a pdf of the planner I've made for the 2013 year. The first part is a sample of January partially filled out. I have used this format over the years while I've been the Primary Music Leader and it has served me well. I've tried to make it somewhat generic since everyone may do things a little differently.

I do try and fill in the "opening exercise" part with the songs at least quarterly.  Last year I took the time up front to complete it for the whole year and it was great. Although I may fill it out ahead of time, that doesn't mean I can't take the liberty to change things around if needed or the mood strikes me. For the singing time portion, I do try and fill in some general ideas and thoughts of what I would like to do up front and then make changes if needed and solidify my plans at least a week or two before each month.

Feel free to use it if you like.

UPDATE: I've had many requests for an editable version. I created the file in Excel. If you would like an Excel version, please email me (email address on sidebar) and I will be happy to send you one. Please note, although I've set the file to fit to print, depending on your printer's printable boundaries, you may have to make some slight adjustments to the column widths or row heights so each page fits to a page. 

2013 Primary Music Outline-Nalani


  1. Can you suggest a website to find the kids play pipe chimes. I borrowed a set for Christmas songs and the kids loved it. I would like to buy a set. I have enjoyed your website and have used many of your ideas. Thanks, Melissa

    1. I bought my bells from also sells bells as well as chimes. Some educational stores sell some musical instruments and you could also call music stores in your area to see if they carry them. Pipe chimes are fairly easy to make and there are instructions on the internet for how tos. Hope that gives you some places to look.

  2. Hi Nalani!
    Thanks so much for your wonderful ideas! I have used so many of your printables and flip charts. Your blog is such a lifesaver for me! I am so grateful for all of the effort you put into this.

    I was wondering if you could post this chart for 2013 in a file that can be edited? I really would like to type my own info in the charts for each month but can't figure out how to do that with the pdf. I adore your cute colors for each month and cute fonts.

    Thanks, Shellie

    1. Hi Shellie, If you give my your email address, I will be glad to send you the Excel file.

  3. Have you decided which songs you will be singing in April and May yet?

    1. Well, since I've been released, I won't be officially picking any songs for the program; however, last fall when I started to plan for this year a couple of songs I was thinking about for April were "The Sacred Grove" and "The Priesthood is Restored". Since the majority of my SR Primary are boys, I thought this priesthood song would sound wonderful with a boy choir. I had thought of doing "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" but then I thought all four verses might be a bit much and you need all four verses to tell the whole story. For May I was thinking of the song from The Friend magazine "When I Hear a Prophet's Voice" or "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet". Because I found out I was going to be released, I never made any final decisions on the songs. Hope that gives you some ideas to get you going.

  4. YAY!! I've been chorister for over 8 years (in 4 different wards) and it's my favorite calling. I make a very ugly plan on excel and this is so much nicer and cuter. I am using it! Thanks so much for your creative, beautiful spreadsheet! I appreciate your work and ideas! Sarah in Oregon

  5. Thank you so much for this!!! I love this outline!

  6. I love this! could I get the editable version of this? My email is

  7. Please send me an editable version.
    Thanks so much!

  8. Same request... Can I get the editable version of this document. My email is Thank you so much for all of your ideas!

  9. Can I get the editable version as well? My email is
    Thank you so much!!!

  10. Will you please send me the editable version? I am a bit lost, just got called as the Primary Chorister about a month ago. This would help me SO MUCH!! Thank You!!!
    My email is


  11. I used this outline and absolutely loved it!! Will you be making one for 2014? I sure hope so because it's so cute and handy! If you aren't making a 2014 version can you e-mail an editable version of this one at
    Thank you so much for this resource!
