
Saturday, April 28, 2012


When I think of singing Mother's Day  songs in Primary, 
"I Often Go Walking"
is the first one that pops in my head and brings back those sweet memories of my Dear Mother, so of course, this song is a favorite of mine. Here is a flip chart I would love to share with you for this song.

This song has a beautiful melody that just gently floats UP and down and lends itself to having the children pitch lead with their bodies raising and lowering themselves to the melody as they sing.

Another fun way to sing and learn the song is by using actions and/or sign language.

What about having some of the children come up front and act out or pantomime the phrases to the song while the Primary sings?

Of course, don't forget to bring an armful of BLOSSOMS OF BLUE to decorate your singing table!

I Often Go Walking-FC-Nalani


  1. Thank-you for always sharing! You are amazing!!!

  2. Just discovering your flip charts. This is the second one I'm using. Looks like you did these years ago...but, thank you!
